Janux videos available

Camille Flammarion, L'Atmosphere: Météorologie Populaire (Paris, 1888), p. 163.  Colorized by Susanna J. Magruder. Courtesy History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries.A series of “From the vault” videos is now available on OU’s Janux platform and at the Janux site on YouTube. These short videos, filmed on location by NextThought in the OU History of Science Collections, show rare treasures for a given topic along with a concisely-worded comment or story. Think of them as behind-the-scenes moments in a tour of the rare book vaults. Most are only 5-10 minutes long. They are not recorded lectures; rather than offering comprehensive information about a subject, they are designed to appeal to the imagination, to awaken interest in the history of science by conveying something of the physical presence of the rare books themselves. For this reason, they may be useful as auxiliary instructional resources for other courses across the various natural sciences including physics, astronomy, medicine, biology, geology, meteorology, chemistry, mathematics and engineering, as well as in humanities disciplines such as history, art, literature and the history of science.

To find the videos on YouTube, go to the Janux section (where videos from many courses are posted) and find the History of Science Online playlist. (Update: the videos are temporarily down now; I’ll remove this notice and update the links when they reappear. For now, you’ll have to watch them through signing up for Janux as explained below.)

To access the videos on the Janux platform, go to janux.ou.edu, and look in the Archive section for the History of Science to the Age of Newton course (HSCI 3013). As noted here previously, the course was offered in the 2014 spring semester, but the videos are still accessible to anyone by registering for the free version of the course. (The course icon, “Boldly go…,” may help you spot it quickly.) Within the course in the Janux platform, click the Lessons tab to view course content arranged week by week. The outline below will help you quickly find the videos of interest to you.

Have an iPad? A Janux app makes accessing the videos a breeze.

The numbers in the outline below are discontinuous; only the “From the Vault” videos (FTV) for each weekly unit are included. Not listed below (but equally accessible) are companion videos, filmed in a studio setting, which for each week’s topic invite students to consider what they know of the cultural context (“Starting Assumptions”) and to engage thought-provoking points of view (“Interpretations”).

  1. Week 1, Exploring the Past
  2. Week 2, Origins of Ancient Astronomy
  3. Week 3, Science in Ancient Egypt and the Aegean
  4. Week 4, Ancient Greek science
  5. Week 5, Hellenistic science
  6. Week 6, Roman science
  7. Week 7, Islamic and Early Medieval science
  8. Week 8, 14th-century science
  9. Week 9, 15th-century science
  10. Week 10, 16th-century Life sciences
  11. Week 11, 16th-century Astronomy
    • 11.2 Astronomy before Copernicus (see Dive Deeper instructions)
    • 11.2 Astronomy after Copernicus (see Dive Deeper instructions)
  12. Week 12, Science in Asia
  13. Week 13, Galileo
  14. Week 14, 17th-century science
    • 14.2 Competing paradigms (FTV not yet available)
    • 14.3 The Meaning of science (FTV not yet available)
  15. Week 15, Newton
    • 15.2 Newton’s works (FTV not yet available)
    • 15.3 Janus faces (FTV not yet available)

In addition to the above “From the Vault” videos for each week, there are also videos for “Starting Assumptions” and “Interpretations.” Watch these on Janux at YouTube or on the Janux platform.

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3 Responses to Janux videos available

  1. Kerry, I really want to put in a plea for YouTube access as you mention there at the end. I would love to be able to link to the videos, embed them in my class announcements for the ones relevant to my class (as some of them indeed are!), etc. … but telling people to go log in at Janux and then navigate through a course (when they are not taking the course) just does not make sense. Fingers crossed!!! Having the videos available at YouTube would be really great. Is there any reason why that should not happen if the goal of Janux is about making educational materials available to all?
    YouTube is FAR preferable to iTunesU since iTunesU does not allow easy linking to video, and there is no embed option of any kind as there is for YouTube. Embedding lets people put the videos IN their Desire2Learn course pages, for example, right there for students to watch, discuss, etc. So, I vote for YouTube and embedding.
    Or, for that matter, the OUMyMedia or whatever it is called, which does allow embedding, although not with anything like the discoverability and ease of use as YouTube.

  2. kvmagruder says:

    Thanks, Laura!
    I want BOTH youTube AND iTunes U — it’s not either/or for me. iTunes U has many advantages over youTube for iOS users, including the convenience of watching on the go and offline.
    But BOTH require the decision-makers to turn the videos loose upon the world to wander in unexpected journeys, and that would be exciting for many reasons!
    Peace, Kerry

  3. I sure hope it happens, and I fail to understand why it did not happen from the start. If they (whoever they are?) want to maximize the return for the massive investment of time, money, and – above all – good will in those videos, then keeping them locked up in Janux makes no sense at all. Have you been given some reason why they are being kept under lock and key? I can’t see any reason at all since, unlike Coursera et al., this is not a business venture, and I don’t see who stands to benefit from creating a situation of (artificial) scarcity in terms of the availability of these learning materials.
    Have you seen my summer project? The massive UN-textbook:
    Day by day developments here:
    My whole motivation to do this project is that it will be super-useful not just to my students but to anyone who is looking for such materials online. Long live the unexpected journeys!!!

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