Song for the day

All we need to know about the iPhone 4 antenna “problem”:

The take-home point is in the last sentence – so short it’s easily missed.

Who is this guy? Jonathan Mann writes a song every day and posts a video of it to YouTube. What fun! Of course, my cool nephew is also named Jonathan Mann, so judging from this enlarged sample pool, it’s obvious that people of that name are immensely talented and creative.

Since Steve Jobs showed this video during the Apple press conference yesterday, Jonathan’s back with another video today about Jobs himself:

This one I ought to categorize under theology as well as Apple… Very appropriate, and very funny!

Here’s one more that explains why penguins love their iPods:

If these three videos are at all representative, Mann’s work possesses simple but surprising artistry, in conception, composition and production. He makes it look natural. Impressive, and… Hilarious!

You can follow Mann’s Song a Day on facebook or twitter. You can buy his songs from his website: Antenna Song, Jobs and Penguins Having A Party. A selection are also available on Jonathan.

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3 Responses to Song for the day

  1. Kerry Magruder says:

    I’ve continued to follow Jonathan Mann’s songs, sometimes as a little lunchtime diversion. Today’s song is a birthday tribute to Woz, the engineering genius who was a co-founder of Apple. While occasionally one encounters the misinformed observer who assumes Woz lost his way, because he retired from Apple and has not participated directly in its current resurgence, Mann’s song rightfully shows that Woz is still Woz and being true to himself in all the ways that matter. It’s the world that would lose its way were Woz to stop being Woz. Along with the hymn to Jobs linked to above, you can’t do better than these music videos for an introduction to Apple’s founders and folklore.

  2. Pingback: End of an era – thank you, Steve | Kerry's loft

  3. Pingback: In memoriam: Steve Jobs, 1955-2011 | Kerry's loft

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