Bruce Ritchie on James Clerk Maxwell

Video of the Inverness book launch event for Bruce Ritchie, James Clerk Maxwell: Faith, Church and Physics (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 2024); #2024-br-1.

My video recommendation (above). For those who want more, below is a longer video review (21 mins). But watch Ritchie’s lecture from the book launch first!

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Goodbye Dropbox my old friend

After many years of relying upon Dropbox as my go-to cloud solution, I’m saying good-bye due to an issue arising from intractable mis-set file permissions. After five hours on the phone with an Apple Support supervisor named James, he determined that the problem was found with files accessed via the Dropbox integrated Finder app. Bottom line: If you share files between two computers, do not use the Dropbox integrated Finder app with a university-issued computer.

It seems that university security policies were applied to all files on my Dropbox account, probably because I had the Dropbox integrated Finder app installed. Permissions problems arose making those Dropbox files virtually unusable when accessed from a non-university computer which shared that Dropbox account and similarly used the integrated Finder app. Even when copying my files from Dropbox over to the Documents folder of my non-university computer, using the integrated Finder app, the files remained unusable due to the permissions problems.

Here’s the story, and the obscure fix that eventually proved successful:


I have long been a huge fan of Dropbox’s integrated Finder app, which makes accessing files on Dropbox as simple as using the sidebar in a Finder window. In contrast, I find Dropbox’s web interface very cumbersome.

Over the last year I have kept several terabytes of files on Dropbox so that I could access them both from my university computer and from my own computer. As hard drive spaces on university computers shrink, working with cloud storage becomes more critical. To be clear, I was using Dropbox not for backup(*), but to share files from two computers (my own and the university-issued one), as well as from my iPhone and my iPad. In other words, I adopted a cloud-centric approach to computing that let me work from whichever device seemed most appropriate for the task or the occasion.

But sometime last year, the university replaced my university-issued computer with one that had some new security or user group policies applied. Some combination of the university policies and files stored on Dropbox resulted in all of the files on Dropbox accumulating extra permissions that looked like this:


With these permissions, I became unable to save, move, or delete files. Copying files was possible, but not simply moving them or deleting the originals once they were copied. Using the Get Info dialog box (and unlocking the little lock in the lower right corner), I could manually set the permission for the first “everyone” from “custom” to “Read only.” Then the file could be modified, saved, moved, or deleted (in most cases). But I have many thousands of files and setting permissions manually like this is simply not a viable option. In addition, the option to delete the extra users (e.g., the extra “everyone” accounts) appeared dimmed or disabled (even after unlocking), so it was not possible manually to clean up the permissions as one would wish.

Permissions problem

There should be only one “everyone,” set to “Read only.” The “custom” setting for everyone is likely the result of a security policy applied by the university to my university laptop, which carried over to Dropbox files because of the Dropbox integrated Finder app.

For files to function properly, permissions should look like this instead:


My own computer, which I use for non-confidential research and personal files, is a 16-inch M2 MacBook Pro with updated Sonoma OS and a very large capacity internal hard drive. I am the administrator and it has never connected to university networks nor has ever been managed like the university-issued laptop I use on campus.

MBP info

When my new university-issued computer came with just half a TB hard drive, I decided to move my (non-confidential) research files entirely to my personal laptop, and abandon my cloud-centric approach. I have invested in a nicer phone and am no longer using an iPad. And I have spent a total of about two of the last six months in rural areas where there was no reliable wifi, so working from my computer’s hard drive instead of the cloud would have been more convenient. So I copied all my files over to my own internal hard drive. I will work simply from my personal computer rather than from the cloud with multiple devices. (This takes me back to the old Mac as a hub days — remember iLife? — which I gave up for a cloud-centric approach many years ago.)

So I dragged all of my Dropbox files over onto the internal hard drive of my personal computer, via the Dropbox integrated Finder app. And all these permissions issues did not go away; the extra permissions came over with the files even when they were relocated to my Documents folder.

On the phone with Apple support, we tried all kinds of methods to correct the permissions without success. The “Apply permissions to enclosed items” command did not work. Nor did a variety of commands issued in the Terminal app, some of which are shown below (click to enlarge). We executed those commands in Recovery mode as well, but still no success.

Terminal commands

I’m grateful that James, the Apple Support supervisor that evening, did not give up. About five hours into the call, he suggested I re-download the files from the Dropbox website, using my web browser rather than the integrated Finder interface. Voila! Downloading a test file from the Dropbox website resulted in the removal of the unwanted permissions. The very same file shown above (when copied over in the Finder), now looked like this (when downloaded through Safari):


Permissions fixed! On the basis of that test, I had a path to follow. Over the last few days, I re-uploaded all of my files with bad permissions back to Dropbox, and then downloaded them via the Dropbox web interface. It was time-consuming due to bandwidth limits, sync times, and maximum allowed items to download at once, but all of the files are now on my computer’s internal hard drive with correct permissions.

Unbelievably, I am now good to go and lost no files (**Mellel) (***Pages).

One more thing: The old directory of files, which I had transferred over to my internal hard drive via the Dropbox integrated Finder app, still needed to be deleted, and it was consuming an inordinate amount of space. When trying to delete the files, a dialog box appeared exhorting me to first set the permissions of each file manually before trying to delete them!


Ha! Obviously this would not work for a directory containing many thousands of files. James again came through — in a second support call, this time “only” three hours long! We turned off syncing with iCloud Drive, and then deleted the files through signing into iCloud on the web. iCloud on the web could ignore the permission restrictions and delete the files. Magnificent. (There were some tricks to this, and we also deleted the “home/iCloud Archive” directory just to be sure, but eventually it all worked.)

I’ve learned a valuable lesson: the university’s security policies and the Dropbox Finder app do not play nice with each other. I will no longer even attempt to share my research files with the university computer, but will work simply from my own computer’s internal hard drive. Of course I will continue to use the university computer for Office apps and Teams, university email and documents, and tasks that require confidentiality such as student records and correspondence, but nothing more than necessary. For university file sharing I’ll use Sharepoint (or a University-owned Dropbox account via the web interface only, but neither shared with my personal laptop). I’m adopting a “Two Worlds” approach to computing, with my presentations, writing projects, digital scholarship, and other research solely on my personal computer. My nice new North Face backpack can carry both laptops, although due to its extra weight, I’ll leave the university laptop on campus whenever possible.

Thanks to the university security measures not playing nice with the Dropbox Finder app, and the Dropbox web interface not playing nice with some file formats, it’s time to say goodbye Dropbox my old friend.

* For backup, don’t use Dropbox. I hadn’t, and luckily, because I use Airdrop. Dropbox takes over the Downloads folder on a Mac if given permission to conduct backups, making AirDrop impossible. If you have used Dropbox for backups, first disable it and then you will be able to use AirDrop again. Instead of Dropbox, for backups I use BackBlaze, and external hard drives with Time Machine and Carbon Copy Cloner. With the money I am saving from canceling Dropbox, I’m raising my iCloud storage level so that my newly enlarged Desktop and Document folders can fully sync to iCloud Drive. My university-issued laptop does not connect to my iCloud Drive (I’m keeping it quarantined in its own small self-contained world), but through iCloud my phone and personal laptop will still work together.

** Mellel: Upon completing the downloads described above, almost all file types were working. But Mellel files did not make the roundtrip to Dropbox and back again. Mellel offers two formats: I save Mellel documents as packages, which speeds up the autosave process. (I have not tested the other format.) My Mellel documents have worked when copied to and from Dropbox via the integrated Finder app, but when downloaded from Dropbox through the web browser, the Dropbox zipping process involved evidently made them unable to open. The same downloading process that stripped away the unwanted permissions also stripped away something of the file format. The downloaded files do have the correct permissions, but they display this error message when I attempt to open one:

Mellel error

Curiously, here’s a workaround: If I compress the Mellel file to create a zipped version of it, then decompress the zip, the file appears with the name “dropbox_download.mellel”! (The name incriminates the culprit here.) Yet success: the document now has correct permissions; I can now restore the original filename; and it now opens normally in Mellel. Hooray!

Mellel fix

Mellel is my favorite word processor for longer projects and these files are very valuable to me. Thankfully they do not number much more than a hundred, and this workaround to fix them is not difficult. (If you haven’t tried Mellel give it a look; for academic writing nothing is better.)

*** Pages: Older pages documents, from about 2012 and earlier, were also corrupted by Dropbox’s zipping download process. While still on Dropbox, the files with corrupted permissions could be opened after manually correcting the permissions. If saved, they would be upgraded, still on Dropbox, and then they would download fine. But if not opened and upgraded while still on Dropbox, then they would be damaged during the browser-mediated downloading process and be no longer openable by Pages or any other app. Sometimes they would pick up a “.pages-tef” filename suffix, which seems to refer either to an older version of Pages or possibly Pages for iOS. (While I did work with Pages on an iPad, I think most of these files were older versions of Pages for the Mac, so the -tef extension added during the browser-mediated download is a mistake.) The trick of compressing and decompressing a file that worked for Mellel documents does not work for these old Pages files (the archive utility hangs up and cannot complete its attempt to decompress them). If opened in some other text editor, these old Pages files display a name like the Mellel files that incriminates Dropbox; something like “dropbox_download_…” (I don’t remember exactly).

So far, I have not encountered this problem with old Keynote and Numbers files but I would not be surprised if it creeps up at some point, especially with files created before 2012.

So my path for recovering older Pages (or iWork) documents is to save an external hard drive of a backup from last summer before these problems arose (before the security policy was applied). That backup will contain all of my older files. (But if one didn’t have a backup, one might still download one’s Dropbox files onto an external hard drive directly from Dropbox using the integrated Finder app, which transfers functional Pages files but with bad permissions. Then one would keep that on an external hard drive for future use, when one could manually correct them as needed even though one wouldn’t be able to get rid of the extra permissions accounts. Or, if one could find them all now, before canceling one’s Dropbox account, then one could upgrade them on Dropbox and then re-download via the Dropbox website to avoid the file permissions problem. That would resolve the problem.)

In summary, files transferred to my computer through the Dropbox integrated Finder app carried the bad permissions. Files transferred to my computer through the Dropbox web downloading interface did not carry the bad permissions, but were corrupted if their file types were older (e.g., Pages) or packages (e.g., Mellel). Cloud computing is hard, and neither method of accessing files on Dropbox works without issues.

If I want cloud computing to work “like a Mac,” I’d better stick with iCloud.

(Except with iCloud, documents are continually being offloaded to the cloud even when hard drive space remains clear. I often work in places without wifi available, so this is quite inconvenient — and for a month last fall, I was in a remote location where I couldn’t even use my phone as a hotspot. I have “Optimize Mac Storage” in Settings checked, which is supposed to keep files on the drive until it begins to run out of space. I hope Apple will soon add a “Keep item available offline” feature to iCloud.)

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Marilyn B. Ogilvie Celebration

Marilyn B. Ogilvie, portrait by Mike Wimmer

Above: Marilyn B. Ogilvie, portrait by Mike Wimmer in the Marilyn B. Ogilvie Room, Bizzell Memorial Library, 5th floor, University of Oklahoma History of Science Collections.

Marilyn B. Ogilvie, a specialist on women in science, served as the second curator of the University of Oklahoma Libraries History of Science Collections from 1991-2008. 

These are the remarks I offered in tribute to Marilyn on December 9, 2023, when the University Libraries held a reception to celebrate the unveiling of a portrait and the dedication of a named room. It was such a delight to see her again among many friends! At the end of the program, the Libraries officially opened the Marilyn B. Ogilvie Room, which houses historic instruments. We also unveiled a portrait of Marilyn painted by Mike Wimmer, one of Oklahoma’s best-known portrait artists. 

Speakers included:

  • Mike Szajewski, Associate Dean of Special Research Collections
  • Denise Stephens, Dean of Libraries, University of Oklahoma
  • Kerry Magruder, Curator, History of Science Collections (this talk)
  • Stephen Weldon, Chair, Department of the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine
  • David Wrobel, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
  • Tributes from the floor: Kenneth L. Taylor, Bill Ogilvie, and Robert Henry.
  • Marilyn herself!
  • Tyler Paul, OU Development


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Scripture and Science exhibit

Scripture and Science exhibit sign

This week I had the joy and delight of visiting the Museum of the Bible (MOTB) in Washington, D.C. My purpose was related to the Scripture and Science exhibit, which opened in January 2023 and will close at the end of January 2024. (Cf. the online version of the exhibit now available.)

OU Copernicus
The OU copy of Copernicus, 1543.

More specifically, I was bringing the OU copy of Nicolaus Copernicus, De revolutionibus (1543), for display in the third and final rotation of the exhibit.

Orientation video
Orientation gallery.

As seen in this photo, the exhibit entrance is on the far right edge (click the photo to enlarge it). Upon entering, an orientation video appears on a large screen in this initial space. After the video, one passes (on the left) into a hallway toward the “Universe” gallery. Straight ahead against the left wall is the Copernicus display, the first object encountered by visitors to the exhibit. This Copernicus case has held three objects in succession: in October, for the 3rd rotation, the OU De rev (annotated by a group of 16th-century astronomers in Paris) will replace a manuscript copy of the Commentariolus of Copernicus from the National Library of Austria (for the 2d rotation), which in turn replaced a copy of the De rev annotated by Galileo from the National Library of Florence (for the 1st rotation). It is a privilege to display the OU copy here for the remaining duration of the exhibit.

Two Books video
Two Books video.

The video shown in this initial space superbly introduces the entire exhibit, framing its approach in terms of the overarching theme of the Bible and science as the “two books,” one of God’s words and the other of God’s works. Watch the video online or download a zipped .mov file.

MOTB Entry hall

The MOTB grand entry hall displays signs for the exhibit.

Unpacking the Copernicus Measuring the Copernicus

We deposited the Copernicus in a secure room on Monday, the day of transport from OU. On Wednesday, after giving it time to acclimate to the new conditions, we prepared a condition report and measured it for mounting.

Ted Davis

Enjoyable conversations with Anthony Schmidt, Head of Exhibits; Wes Viner, early modern curator; and Ted Davis, the historian of science shown here, were highlights of the week indeed!

Buzz Aldrin communion chalice

In browsing the entire Museum, I didn’t expect to be able to touch a block from the Temple Mount! It is on display as part of The People of the Land exhibit, by the Israel Antiquities Authority.

A few other highlights of the Scripture and Science exhibition for me include:

Dante, Divine Comedy
Dante, manuscript of the Divine Comedy; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze.

Galileo manuscript
Galileo manuscript of telescopic observations; Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Firenze.

Hebrew book
A discussion of Copernican cosmology in Hebrew; Jewish Theological Seminary of America (New York).

Francis Collins Bible and Nature
Francis Collins’ Bible, and his copy of an issue of Nature reporting on the Human Genome Project.

Buzz Aldrin communion chalice
The Communion chalice which Buzz Aldrin used on Apollo 11, 1969.

ET phone home
The “phone home” apparatus from the movie ET.

If these few objects intrigue you, watch the video and explore the online version of the exhibit. If you can make it to DC before it closes in January, it will be well worth your time! Would that it were possible to make it a traveling exhibit, both across America and internationally. It is certainly worthy of long-term attention.

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Alan Gogoll

This is not. humanly. possible.

Alan Gogoli (website) “is an Australian acoustic guitarist and composer most known for the invention of his two-handed simultaneous artificial harmonics technique he has called ‘Bell Harmonics’, which is featured in many of his original songs such as Mulberry Mouse…”

Darn, I guess he won’t be touring near here any time soon. Thank you, Alan, for the wondrous music.

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New beginning

“New Beginning” Mark & Steffi

The Chapman stick

So beautiful

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I have not lost my marbles
They ran off on their own
They rolled right off the table
And headed out the door

One went up to Alaska
To see the polar bears
It made friends among the reindeer
And loves the winters there

I found one in Iona
On Scotland’s western shore
It swam over with some dolphins
And lives with puffins there

My marbles will keep on rolling
Traveling around the world
Until they rise up to the heavens
To make a new home there

If I ever get to space travel
And make it to the Moon
I’ll find a huge jar of my marbles
Waiting for me there

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Shelly’s place, Estes Park

We just returned from a fabulous week in Colorado, staying in Shelly’s AirBnb, located on Hwy 7 between Estes Park and Allenspark near the Wild Basin entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park. If you’re headed that way, we highly recommend it; click the link above to view the listing. Reviews at AirBnB are limited to 1000 characters, but here is the review we would have wished to post there (I had to post a severely pared-down version):

Sometimes our travels take us on a busy itinerary where we’re constantly moving from place to place. This time we wanted to stay in one place and soak in the experience. We planned this trip as a mini family reunion of six people: my wife and I, our three adult daughters and a son-in-law. This house, “nearly perfect” as my son-in-law put it, became itself part of the memories our family will cherish from this time together. We definitely expect to return!

The surroundings offer an inexhaustible source of natural beauty which we continually enjoyed, especially from the decks: chipmunks playing on the rocks, hummingbirds buzzing us to remind us we are but guests, ravens and nutcrackers, the fragrance of pines and the captivating patterns of the rocks. One evening we grilled burgers on the front deck. Each morning we woke up with coffee on the west deck watching the morning clouds playing upon the slopes of Mount Meeker.

Inside, the house layout was splendid for us, accommodating our varied schedules and activities. The bedrooms seemed customized for each of us: A secluded moose room by a game room; a Cozy Cabin Loft room; a Bear room and a master bedroom just a few steps from the living room. Some stayed up late hours in the game room while others went to bed early to depart in the wee hours for early morning hikes. Our pregnant daughter had space available to sit up if needed at any hour of night. The lovely main living room offers a relaxing gathering space, with two recliners one daughter claims are the most comfortable she has ever sat in.

The location on the east side of the park was ideal for us. We walked along the nearby Wild Basin Trail with its splendid waterfalls and cascades (my favorite trail in the Park). The stunning scenery on the short drive to Estes Park via Hwy 7 never gets old; we took advantage of Lily Pond, the coffeeshop at the Chapel on the Rocks, the Enos Mills historical marker, and horse-riding at Elkhorn Stables. We had easy access to Estes Park with all its attractions including the riverwalk, and a shortcut to the main entrance of RMNP via Mary Lake Road for the days we spent absorbing the splendors of Trail Ridge Road, and Moraine Park and the Bear Lake corridor. We experienced no let-down each evening returning to this east-side home in such a beautiful natural setting.

My wife comments that it was “just about as perfect as it could get. House designed well for us. Beautiful location. All amenities provided. Beds comfortable. Great kitchen.” We appreciated the host’s use of unscented laundry detergent. Several of us have pronounced sensory sensitivities and allergies, but the house gave us no problems. The host, Shelly, was very responsive from before our arrival up through the very last day, including extremely helpful last-minute assistance. In the words one daughter wrote in the guest book: “All the amenities [even flashlights, bug spray] were so helpful and really made it feel like a home. We enjoyed… cuddling up in all the blankets, the decor (love the themes!), the porches, the views, the books & reading materials, and the location! We can’t wait to return. Thank you for making this trip so wonderful!”

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Torrance updates, 2023-2024

In this post I’ll post updates of my Torrance-related activities for 2023 and 2024. Cf. Torrance updates for 2022 and 2021.

July 6, 2023

Marty Folsom’s Torrance Reading Group, discussion of Thomas F. Torrance, “The Sovereign Creator,” in The Christian Doctrine of God: One Being Three Persons (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1996), 203-234; #1996-595i. Download Handout (pdf).

January 25, 2024

Marty Folsom’s Torrance Reading Group, Thomas F. Torrance, “The Transformation of Natural Theology,” in The Ground and Grammar of Theology (Charlottesville, Virginia: The University of Virginia Press; Belfast: Christian Journals, 1980), 75-109; #1980-369e. Download Handout (pdf).

The Thomas F. Torrance History of Science Collection
History of Science Collections
University of Oklahoma Libraries
Norman, Oklahoma, USA

The T. F. Torrance History of Science Collection (#2022-ou-1) is growing…

Short-term travel fellowships are available.

In October and November 2023, I was able to meet with a number of supporters of the Torrance Collection in Paris, England, and Scotland. I presented at the Firbush Torrance Retreat, meeting additional Torrance-interested persons there. Numerous additions to the Collection were made. Of particular note was a substantial donation from Bob and Jamie Walker of more than 50 books and some papers (the oldest book is Antonius Walaeus, Opera omnia (Lugduni Batavorum, 1643), 2 vols, which belonged to T. F. Torrance). See the list of materials received.

During my sabbatical (January-June 2024), I am working on a number of Torrance-related projects, including the oral histories, several articles (e.g., see handouts above), and a Love and the Cosmos book project (Preface PDF).

A video review of Bruce Ritchie on James Clerk Maxwell (and Torrance); cf. Bruce Ritchie, James Clerk Maxwell: Faith, Church and Physics (Edinburgh: Handsel Press, 2024); #2024-BR-1.

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Oxford Inklings tour

In November 2021, we found ourselves with a day free in the Bath area due to an unexpected relaxation of Covid protocols for travelers seeking to return to the US. Thus at the end of a three week stay in the UK, we went up to Oxford for a day to walk in the footsteps of C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien and the Inklings. This PDF, prepared in advance of our trip “just in case,” was our guide for the day.

Special thanks to Kim Gilnett, who wrote the bulk of the tour with assistance from Stan Mattson and Michael Ward: “C.S. Lewis Walking Tour of Oxford Centre.” Additional information is culled from from the walking tours in the appendices of Harry Lee Poe, The Inklings of Oxford (Zondervan, 2009), an ideal travel companion to read beforehand or even take with you.

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