My address in the Universe

Years ago I created an activity on the grandeur of the universe which parents could complete with their children. It was ideal for those long nights waiting up for an eclipse or meteor shower. It could be used at a star party, in homeschool astronomy, or for worship. Our daughters may still have their completed copies in their Astronomy school notebooks!

The original file was in an obsolete AppleWorks format. Today I recovered the text and re-created it. Back in the pre-Internet days, the original version supplied photographs and asked for hand-drawn pictures. Now, with pictures so easily available online, I’ve left most pages blank so that parents and children can search online together, or choose to draw in objects by hand, as they wish.

At the end are scriptures and historical quotations that may prompt discussion of the grandeur and almighty love of the God who cannot be contained by the universe, yet chose to come among us and be with us forever. The immensity of the universe, theologically speaking, is not a modern discovery, but a modern exploration of an ancient wonder.

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