PPP: Painters, Prophets, Poets

PPP conference

This October 4-6, Oklahoma City will welcome a firmament of stellar speakers and a Milky Way of radiant participants to the Painters, Prophets, Poets conference, subtitled “Imagining New Creation Together.”

Hosted by Travis Lowe and Hannah Anderson, speakers are Malcolm Guite, Makoto Fujimura, Haejin Shim Fujimura, Beth Moore, and Miroslav Volf.

Learn more and follow conference updates at Facebook and Instagram.

Registration is still open. After registration, conference participants will hear by email about various auxiliary events. One of those is touring the OU History of Science Collections.


Today, you are a researcher. This is a privilege and a dare.

Beware, the books will change you. Let him who has ears to hear…

I pray you will find one that speaks to you.
One that rouses your imagination like the Oklahoma winds.
One that strengthens you with the comfort of the companionship of a true friend.

Enter in hope, all ye who enter here.


Experiencing the History of Science Collections as part of this conference will not be like visiting a museum; our conversation together, like the captions, will be much more personal than that. Come with your heart open to allow the beauty of these physical traces to draw you into the invisible reality of the communion of the saints, the communities of scientists, artists, and lovers of creation who have gone before. Bring your journal notebook (pencils good, but no pens). Phone photos welcome. Space is limited. Register first, then you can sign up. With apologies, no rain checks; it is not available on other dates. Check back; I’ll add more info here closer to the conference. I can’t wait!

PPP speakers.

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