Tag Archives: Wedding

Chad and Mary

I’m so glad that I was asked to officiate the wedding of Chad and Mary on August 31, 2024, at beautiful Klondike Park in west St. Charles County. Here’s the script (PDF). Prayers and blessings for Chad and Mary! Procession … Continue reading

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Wedding reception

First post in this series: 25 years! After the wedding at 8 a.m., we held a breakfast reception at the Traveler’s Hotel in Kirksville, MO. The wedding cake was a stack of pancakes and we toasted each other’s health with … Continue reading

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Wedding scriptures

25 years! Arise, my darling, My beautiful one, and come with me. See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard … Continue reading

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Wedding ceremony and vows

25 years! Michael Parris conducted our wedding on the morning of summer solstice, 1986, in a ceremony written by Kerry and Michael. The text reproduced below begins at about the 24:20 mark of the wedding video, after the introductory music … Continue reading

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Marriage, creation’s dance

25 years! On the morning of summer solstice in 1986, between Candace’s solo of “The Lord is My Shepherd” and Michael Barfield’s performance of “Season Suite” (see Wedding music), best man David Noble read the following reflections on Isaac and … Continue reading

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Wedding music

25 years! I fell in love with Candace the first time I saw her as I listened to her sing, and ever since she has brought wonderful music into my life. At our wedding, held outdoors near a wooded stream … Continue reading

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25 years!

Thank you, Candace, for 25 wonderful years! At Bryce Canyon, June 2011 On the heels of last fall’s 25th anniversary of our first date (see Look at us), this month Candace and I celebrated our silver anniversary. On June 21, … Continue reading

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Marriage is the gospel made visible

Congratulations on your wedding today, Eric and Sarah! Eric and Sarah, you are a wonderful match! Thanks for asking me to say a few words at your wedding this afternoon. Here are my notes: —– Eric and Sarah, it is … Continue reading

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